
Friday, December 14, 2012

Why Bianca’s Children Did Not Attend the WILL Reading Session, Bianca Meets Tenni Hamman

Bianca ojukuFrom all indications and based on her explanation, the Nigerian Ambassador to Spain and late Ikemba’s wife, Bianca would have loved to attend the Will reading session alongside her children since arrangement was made for all Ikemba’s children and family members to be present at the brief but remarkable occasion in Enugu. She explained that she reasoned not to disturb or distract them from their on-going session examinations in the school.
She disclosed also that she had made the trip under severe time and job constraints, insisting she was billed to travel back first flight the next morning.
The ambassador drove into the Enugu High court premises at about 8.55am in a brand new black Toyota Sports Utility vehicle (SUV) with some aides. She was dressed in a neatly sown fitted native long skirt; head tie and blouse attire of same material along with a shinny black snake skin shoe to match.
With a brief exchange of pleasantries and greetings she was ushered into the Chief Registrar’s chambers, venue for the business that brought her to the High Court premises that early Friday morning. Apart from her aides, she rode with Chief Val Nwosu who she evidently was fond of, and calls “Akunne”. He spotted clean shaven head and beards, a blue short sleeve safari atop a pair of trousers of same material and colour, with a pair of clean reading glasses.
From all indication the Chief Registrar, Dennis Ekoh was hard up on time for other engagements for the day. His aides had explained there was no court sitting because virtually all judges had an engagement with the state chief Judge outside the state that day. So attempts to accommodate the session was made earlier the previous day apparently because of the ambassador who flew in from her base in Spain and other members of the family who came back from their bases because of the important event. This came to the fore when a call to Emeka and James Chukwunenye Ezike indicated that they were still at around Nnobi area of Anambra state on their way from Nnewi for the event, at about 9.15am, whereas they were reportedly aware of the change of time from the initially agreed 10am down to 9am. At a point they were advised to continue the journey, to join at whatever point they meet, and or pick a copy thereafter from the Registry. And with that understanding Ekoh commenced the process, first by explaining the purpose of the gathering. Then he presented the two legal-sized brown envelopes containing the Will and the Codicil round the family members, journalists, executors and witnesses present in the room.
Incidentally, before the commencement of the session, journalists were excluded from the chambers from witnessing the event, but after consultations along with the court officials, the family allowed only three reporters in.
Answering questions later, Ojukwu’s lawyer, Chief Emeka Onyemelukwe assured that the absence of the children at the session did not in any way invalidate the Will.

*who is she, where is she, who knows her
It was confirmed yesterday that Bianca may have commenced efforts to contact and get to know Tenni Hamman, seemingly the latest acknowledged addition to the Odumegwu-Ojukwu dynasty of Nnewi.
This was disclosed yesterday by Chief Emeka Onyemelukwe, the family’s lawyer and close associate of her late husband and leader of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu.
Ojukwu had shocked the wits of his dear Bianca when he clearly acknowledged Tenni in his Will but had never squealed about her to Bianca.
Confirming the contact moves in an interview with our correspondent yesterday, Onyemelukwe said he was aware that Mrs Bianca Ojukwu has established first contact with the lady, but could not give more details. He noted that he was also aware the lady live in the United States of America, but was no sure where she lives presently. He also could not confirm her marital status or whether she has any offspring yet.
On whether anyone including Bianca has formally informed her of her mention and bequeathal in Ojukwu’s will, Onyemelukwe said he was not sure yet. But that she must have read about on the internet and facebook like many others.
Moreso, that it was the duty of the executors of the Will to do that, especially when they get the probate’s go ahead to begin the executing. Mrs Ojukwu is among the executors. Others are Chief James Chukwunenye Ezike and HRH Igwe (Arc) Emeka Ogbunude, the late monarch of Oraukwu who died last year.
The lawyer confirmed that even Emeka, Ojukwu’s son was aware and knows the lady very well and vice versa. That other siblings of Emeka also know her and she knows them too. So apparently the only member of the family who learnt about her from the Will was Bianca and her children.
He promised to come up with more details when he speaks with Bianca later today.
*courting worldwide condemnation
The initial directors of this company which was established by their late billionaire father, Sir Louis, vide Companies and Allied Matters law/Memorandum and Articles of Association drawn in 1952, include Prof Joseph Ojukwu, Engr Emmanuel Ojukwu and Chief Lotanna Ojukwu and Ikemba
Onyemelukwe disclosed that he allegedly learnt Debe ran into trouble with the directors of Ojukwu Transport Ltd (OTL), when he prepared account of the company, perhaps without authorization. As a result they allegedly took back management of the estate from him. His disengagement has since allegedly remained contentious.
Reacting over reports that a member of the company has kicked against Ikemba’s nomination of Bianca(or her nominee/proxy) to replace him on the board as being against the company rules, because she is a woman. Onyemelukwe stated that it sounds reprehensible and ridiculous. He contended that such archaic idea only existed in the prehistoric days of early man. That it was against natural law, justice and good conscience which could not have been in the company’s MOU. He however reserved comments on the matter, believing that no such policy exists, as any one that nurse such idea would be courting the anger of many national and international bodies including the United Nations.
He further disclosed that Ikemba’s brothers/directors of OTL met during his days in hospital to pass a new resolution admitting a son each of all the directors, without bringing in Emeka, Ikemba’s son. But that it is likely that once Bianca attends the next meeting of the board she would apply for them to admit one of Ikemba’s sons to join, just like Prof Joseph Ojukwu, Emmanuel and Lotanna each have had one of their sons sitting on the board now. Also, the Board could invite and admit him pronto or Emeka could write them to consider his(or any of his sibling’s) admittance.
Until Ikemba’s hospitalization which he never recovered from, the board all along met and sat in his Enugu home.
In his Will, Ikemba appealed to his brothers and co-directors on the OTL board that out of the eleven(11) properties in Onitsha, two(2) in Port Harcourt and thirty-two(32) in Lagos, they should avail him the one at 29 Queens drive Ikoyi, Lagos for which he fought hard for and recovered through the courts. He also counseled and solicited his brothers’ understanding to appoint one capable estate manager to look after the company’s estates. He also requested that all his accrued shares/benefits be given to all his children from just Njideka and Bianca. Here he excluded Tenni and Ebele(from Stella Onyeador).
He further explained that one of the main reasons for giving all the ash in the banks and other access to cash to Bianca was to enable her have funds with which to give the young children the best foreign education possible anywhere in the world. Just like he gave to Emeka and others. That it was why he replaced himself on the board of OTL.

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