
Friday, October 19, 2012

EXPOSED!: Randy Pastor Who "Delivers" Women Through Sex On The Altar

Some  men of God are beginning to see themselves as demi gods, and can do anything to get the mouth ajar. They continue to desecrate the church of God without any explanations to their congregation. 
This is the case with Uche Augustina Enechukwu whose husband, a pastor in charge of the Isachi-based Glorious Deliverance Ministry (GDM) has been accused of sleeping with his church members. It was a case of ‘the hunter being hunted’ as the cleric who stormed the Igando Magistrate court, praying the judge to dissolve his 26-year-old marriage only to  discovered that he’d bitten more than he could chew, as a group of women, both old and young, who were members of his congregation stormed the court premises and narrated the shameful story of the sexual harassment he had subjected them to.

In this show of shame, the cleric fired the first salvo by heading to the court, praying the judge to dissolve his 26-year-old marriage to his spouse. The 47-year-old preacher gave his reasons for divorce arguing that his wife had deprived him of his position as the husband and head of the family. “She doesn’t follow my instruction.” It is a case of two captains in a ship. She wants to be the husband while I become the wife,” he lamented angrily. Continuing, the father of seven who hails from Anambra State said: “My wife is a blatant liar and she as well trains the kids with lies. There is no iota of truth in her mouth. She is against my calling as a minister of God. In fact, she’s against my ministry,” he said. 

However, when his wife rose to present her own side of the case, she brought a new twist. “My husband is a very randy man,” she said, “He’s a disgrace to man and God. For many years, I have been trying to condone his excesses and cover his atrocities, but he wouldn’t change. He had slept with virtually every female member of his church,” she alleged. The 44-year-old Lady Evangelist affirming that her husband does not respect his office as an ‘Apostle of the Most High’, claimed that “even my friends were not left out of the sexual molestations as he always lure them to his office to have sex in the name of ‘healing and deliverance’ from evil spirits. I haven’t been privileged to catch him red-handed but the reports I have been getting are concrete.”

She even recalled a particular occasion whereby her husband had a sexual affair with a lesbian. She narrated to the court how the ‘possessed’ member of their church unsuccessfully attempted to trick her to have sex with her. “Unfortunately, the same woman set a similar trap for Goodness [her husband] and he fell for it, hook, line and sinker. The same woman came to confess to me that she had sex with my husband in his office. When I confronted him, he was so reluctant to either refute or affirm the allegations against him. Several other reports of his incessant sexual harassment and molestations kept circulating in the church, thus we have lost most of our once devoted members,” the court heard from her.

Buttressing claims of her husband’s gross irresponsibility, Augustina argued further: “I am the one that train our seven children till date. Two of them are enrolled in a private university where I pay one million naira annually as school fees for each of them. The ones in secondary and primary schools are also sponsored by me. My husband contributes nothing to our welfare. As if that wasn’t enough burden on me already, after I financed his (her husband’s) Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) he insisted I see him through the four walls of a university with his intention to study Political Science. My refusal to buy that idea was part of the marital problems we are having,” she affirmed.

Despite his atrocities, Augustina, however, claimed she still loves her husband and wouldn’t want their marriage severed. And the court presided over by Mr. Adewale Eko reasoned with her and adjourned the suit to October 6, 2012, hoping that with time both parties might be able to settle their differences.

However, more drama ensued outside the court at the end of the proceeding as female members of the church unabashedly accosted Pastor Goodness Enechukwu and they created an ugly scene loudly telling passers-by how they had been victims of his ‘sexual deliverance session’. They clapped their hands, hoots and wailed at him as he walked past the Igando Central Market. Attempts to calm the situation, by the reporter and some court officials proved abortive. The aggrieved women narrated to onlookers and passers-by their different encounters of sexual exploitations by the supposed man of God.
Culled From Joisays Blog 

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