
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Yero sworn-in as Kaduna governor

The Kaduna Government House was a beehive of activities on Sunday as sympathizers defiled heavy security cordon to pay their last respect to the late governor of the state, Sir Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa and witness the inauguration of Mukthar Ramalan Yero as the new governor.
It was hectic gaining access into the council chambers of the government house for the swearing in of the new government which was performed by the Chief Judge of the State, Justice Rahila Cudjoe at about 1.06 pm.
In his acceptance speech after the swearing in, Governor Yero assured the people of the state of his sincere desire to build on the good foundation laid by Yakowa who he called “my boss” and asked for the prayers and all as well as God’s wisdom, guidance and direction.
Yero who promised to address the state later said “it is with heaviness of heart that I make this speech having just fulfilled a constitutional requirement of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The sad event that befell Kaduna State yesterday, Saturday 15th  December 2012 is already public knowledge.”
“Our amiable governor, Sir Patrick Yakowa  has suddenly left us by answering the call of our creator. Indeed, from Him we all came and to Him we would all, one day, return. In between these periods is the privilege we have to serve humanity.
“We are living testimonies to the fact that our amiable Governor, Sir Patrick Yakowa  who came, did serve humanity, in various and diverse capacity, well and suddenly returned to our creator. His humility, dedication to duty, fairness to all and a sense of humour , endeared him to many, near and far, irrespective of religious, tribal or sectional inclinations. No wonder, he was given a pseudo name of Nakowa.
“The vision of Sir Patrick Yakowa, Nakowa was to secure , unite and develop Kaduna State. He invested so much on this and started reaping the fruits of his labour. He wished to consolidate and advanced on the achievements so far made and hence tagged Kaduna State’s 2013 Budget , which he presented to the Honourable  House of Assembly on Thursday 13th , December
“As the “budget of consolidation and advancement.” I sincerely desire to build on the good foundation that my boss has laid. I therefore covet your prayers for God’s wisdom, guidance and direction.
“I take this opportunity to commiserate with the wife and immediate family of his Excellency, Sir Patrick Yakowa, in particular, members of the Government of Kaduna State and the entire citizens of the state over the sad moment we have found ourselves in. May God in His infinite mercies comfort us all. I shall later in the day deliver a state wide broadcast to the citizens of Kaduna state when more details of this sad event are known”. Yero stated.

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