
Monday, January 21, 2013

Boko Haram Re-brands as JAMBS, Uses DesertHerald for PR

It has been noticed by the MuslimsAgainstTerror association, that the same dreadful Boko Haram terrorist cult, based in the Kanuri North Eastern section of Nigeria has re-branded and  repackaged itself as JAMBS (JAMA’ATU ANSARUL MUSLIMINA FI  BILADIS-SUDAN). A Northern online publication, DesertHerald has been  single-handly promoting this re-branding of the terrorist sect  responsible for hundreds of deaths in Nigeria.
Our analysts believe that the obvious decline in popularity of Boko  Haram, and their association with various barbaric assaults and deaths  of innocent Nigerians, Muslim, Christian and the like in Nigeria,  attracting harsh rebuke from Muslims and Christians, including scholars, Muslim groups like ourselves, the MuslimsAgainstTerror and the northern citizenry, provoked a re-thinking by the group and  decision to re-brand with the hope of soliciting some public support and hindering the cooperation of Nigeria’s God fearing and peace loving  masses. a Nigerian investigative journal that first broke  the cannibalism of Muslim brothers in Jos by Berom people, earlier  reported an unusual article published by the DesertHerald in which the  online publication was surprisingly justifying a Boko Haram aka JAMBS  attack of the SARS security unit in Abuja. We have included that  publication at the end of this release.
Boko Haram, we know you. You can call yourselves whatever you wish.  You are the same dirty Munafiqis, who the noble prophet of Islam warned  us will rise from within Muslim ranks and will cause harj and harj at  the later days. Allah’s wrath is upon you. As JAMBS or anything else.  Wallahi your days are numbers and also the days of all those who support the insult that you bring to our noble Deen.
Nigeria and global media must stop peddling the harmful agenda of  these desperate cultists. The media must be astute and desist from  aiding them in their wicked and insane plans and manipulations. Not  everything must be published, this is common sense.
Desertherald has remained the only news platform that Boko Haram aka  JAMBS uses to communicate its press releases. The re-branded group’s  first public press release was also exclusively reported by  DesertHerald. It is puzzling how Boko Haram and DesertHerald have  developed this love and symbiotic co-promotional relationship.desertherald-canada
Boko Haram aka JAMBS 2 days ago, attacked Nigerian troops en-route  Mali as part of an African peace -keeping force. They were successful in killing two soldiers and injuring 5 more. They have since moved to  Kaduna, where the Nigerian troops also went en-route Mali.
Our brothers believe that the re-branding of this terrorist cult  comes amidst a successful security and public campaign against their  nefarious operation,. Which has led to the capture of many of their tactical commanders and their sponsors, senators and other top level shameless people. The public has been fed-up with Boko Haram/JAMBS  who have made life in North Nigeria a living hell.
Please see publication:

Nigeria: SARS Is Worse Than Boko Haram – DesertHerald

Dec 6th, 2012
NewsRescue- A Nigerian news website and magazine has  described the SARS (Special Anti-Robbery Squad) security division as  worse than Boko Haram.
In an article posted by the online edition, DesertHerald said:
SARS operatives have today become more dangerous to the people than  even Boko Haram and it forms part of the reason why most people keep a  distance from the police. And it is one of those reasons that Boko Haram insurgency has defied solutions because of SARS brutality and  extortion. Those released from SARS detention turn back to plan revenge  after release while majority prepare to even join Boko Haram for a  revenge of what they experienced from those that are paid to protect  them.
It would be recalled that the SARS office in Abuja was attacked by  unknown gunmen who sprung some prisoners out of its cells on the evening of Monday, 26th November 2012.
This attack by unknown gunmen was later reported by the same DesertHerald, who claimed they had received an exclusive message immediately after the attack, stating that the attack had been carried out by a new terrorist organization, JAMBS (Jama’atu Ansasrul Muslimina fi Biladissudan), who had earlier in the year sent an exclusive letter to DesertHerald, according to the  editorial, announcing the groups inglorious inauguration.
In the DesertHerald exclusive, the alleged new group claimed to be a  Robin-Hood of sorts, justifying its attack of the SARS headquarters as  being based on “emancipation of the suffering.”
DesertHerald is notorious for breaking stories from Northern  extremists, many at times before any other media or organization even  has an idea of these stories. For some funny reason, it appears “JAMBS”  chooses DesertHerald as their sole means of communication to the outside world.
DesertHerald recently entertained a visit from the Canadian  delegation in Nigeria, who thumped the editorial for its ‘investigative  journalism.’ See:DesertHeraldCanadian High Commissioner’s historic visit to DESERT HERALD: Canada to support Nigeria in curbing terrorism – Ambassador Cooter
In what could read as a justification of the acts of this so-called  new group, while describing the reasons why SARS is “worse than Boko  Haram,” DeserHerald in what it called “the hidden facts behind the attack,” further said:
SARS Headquarters attack: The Hidden facts!
The squad has branches in the 36 states of the federation including  Abuja in most cases funded by the various state governments. Over the  years, the organization systematically became a replica of its former  self and turned to an extortion outfit that has outlived its usefulness  to the people.
Several reports reveal that apart from human rights abuses, there are cases of extortion of suspects and their relations while bail of  suspects either in detention or under arrest is obtained at fixed amount depending on the nature of crime committed. For instance, it was  revealed that armed robbery suspects are bailed at over N1million while  bail ‘fee’ for other minor crimes range from N500,000 and above  depending on the bargaining capacity of suspect’s relations.
Although, the office of the Inspector-General is confirmed to have  been disbursing monthly feeding allowances of suspects in police  detention nationwide, in most police stations across the country and  Abuja SARS headquarters, such allowances are diverted and the burden of  feeding suspects rests on the shoulders of their relations including  medication for the period they are detained.
While relations are forced to accept the corrupt practice without  complaining as making any complain may attract a negative response, they are also forced to grease the palms of guards at the various cells  before the food and medication they brought could reach their relations  languishing in cells.
Not only that, black marketers within Abuja and other places are  subjects of extortion and brutality. In most cases, SARS operatives  storm their operational locations to cart away drums and jerry cans of  fuel to compel owners to report for collection and be subjected to  various degrees of extortion and intimidations including threats to  their lives. Before any black marketer is allowed entry into SARS  premises in Abuja to press for his case, he is forced to pay an entry  fee at both gates. Starving suspects without relations in Abuja languishing in SARS cells  is no more news as dead bodies are thrown out daily because of hunger,  torture and other brutal acts from those who are expected to take care  of the unfortunate ‘innocent’ citizens. Read more… Read more:

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