
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Obasanjo Commends Orji on Security

obj_orji-300x225In the face of reports of insecurity, the relative peace that Abia state has enjoyed has been attributed to its government’s partnership with the Federal Government.
The state governor, Theodore Orji dropped this hint during the visit of former President Olusegun Obasanjo to his state.
And that was after the former president had prescribed peace and sustainability of security as the necessary foundations for development.
Governor Theodore Orji who expressed his delight at the visit of former president hinted that the state government partnership with the federal government has been one the major contribution to the peace being enjoyed in the state which has attracted investors from all over the world.
Exchange of pleasantries and warm reception was accorded to the former president and his delegation on arrival to the government house, Umuahia.
Obasanjo, during his interaction with the state governor commended him for the effort and commitment at ensuring that peace and unity is maintained in the state.
This according to the former president is a major and basic foundation for development
On his part, Governor Theodore Orji stated that economic development is thriving in Abia because of the conducive and peaceful atmosphere existing in the state which has attracted investors from all corners noting that the cordial relationship existing between the state and the federal government had made this possible.
The visit of the former president also was extended to the house of Professor Joe Irukwu who described the former president as Africa’s most influential personality.
Before leaving the state, Obasanjo visited the home of first military head of state Aguiyi Ironsi to felicitate with the wife Mrs Victoria Aguiyi Ironsi who he described as a mother.
As peace and sustainable security is necessary for development it is therefore importance to ensure that all avenues are sought by those in authority to maintain it.

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