
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Uncle Caught Having S*x With His 12-Year-Old Niece

A 19-year-old man has been arrested after he was caught being intimate with his 12-year-old niece inside a building.
The juvenile’s mother caught the two red-handed at about 10 pm.
Meanwhile, the man was convicted on his own plea to unlawfully having sexual intercourse with a young person when he appeared in court.
He was sentenced to six months imprisonment of which two months were suspended for five years on condition that he does not commit a similar offence within that period.
The State’s case as presented by Mr Paul Mpofu is that the man first had sex with his niece on 6 December last year and was caught red-handed on the second occasion on 1 January.
On 6 December the juvenile was on her way from school in the company of her friend when they met the uncle near a local business centre. The juvenile’s friend proceeded home and the man asked his niece to remain behind. He then led her to a nearby bush where they had sex once.
On 1 January the juvenile went to the local shops but was late to return home. Her mother made a follow up at about 10pm. Upon arriving at the business centre she asked people around and they indicated that they had seen her enter a grinding mill.
She proceeded to the grinding mill and caught her daughter red-handed in the act with the uncle, who ran away after realising he had been caught.
A report was later made to the police leading to the uncle’s arrest. In mitigation, the man said he was in a relationship with his niece and that she had consented to sex.

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